Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tricks Adsense Black Hole

Adsense tricks black hole is that the dirty tricks that suspiciously once I attempt to observe and melogika, for those of you who study and learn net promoting adsense and adsense program that is being understood hopefully this text helpful to you and Jagan forget look and skim fastidiously this paper as a result of i'll attempt to interact with you and share your data learning logic adsense.

Diinggat if you wish once reading and practicing it i'm not accountable if your adsense account in baned, however if you get greenbacks are abundant once you dare to undertake this trick Adsense black holes don't forget the various charitable

Immediately, I describe this program, I provide the title adsense black hole as a result of i feel you deserve this doesn't apply, however affordable for the menggerti and take lessons. This trick is auto clik "apaaaaaaaa!", it's a trick that allowed ngak mas. True indeed real trick isn't within the allowed by adsense if this trick suggests that you are doing not secure the PD of the sport adsense program.

you just visit this one autoclik program can't enter the positioning, if not congratulations you're not cheated

1. before you are trying to think about this case I don't suggest you create
2. look fastidiously to the present program registration forum
3. if you've got checked this program as a full from the police, concerning me or the opposite, what you're suspicious and wonder?

We went into the logic

after you see and appearance at lots of things that I doubt during this program, why can we register our adsense using the e-mail address and that we adsense id and paswordnya conjointly, if our logic we'd yet provide us atm and no pin is additionally, yes ngak?. at the moment you download the toolbar and wait concerning eighteen hours of your adsense can increase $ eighteen "not easy". however this once more I don't suggest for you "remember it"

And while not it all i am certain you'll get $ one every day simply with a capital of articles in English, simple SEO, search engines and continuously update your writing.

The program I counseled higher than don't cause you to simply as mere data

see you ......................

Adsense Tricks for Higher Profit

Lots of individuals inform build your ads mix in. However, some individuals are having lots of success by creating their links stand out. the foremost effective vogue appears to be having your links blue, whereas your alternative links are a less-noticeable color. an honest example will be seen at

- Place pictures directly higher than your ads. this straightforward technique has been known to extend CTR by four-hundredth. to stay {the pictures|the pictures|the photographs} contemporary some individuals randomize connected images on their web site using PHP code. you'll be able to see an example of those pictures at

- Google has cited the 336×280 massive rectangle because the simplest ad size.

- Place ads where your guests can possible be targeted.

Check out this heat map by Google -

- Weave your articles into your content. this can be shown at

- Place link units within the prime left-hand corner. This a part of} the web site has shown to be clicked on quite the other part of the page. you'll be able to see an example at (Look at the links at the highest, towards the left in blue.)

- profit of the “alternate URL” feature to avoid Public Service Ads that seep cash removed from your web site.

- one amongst the most effective stuff you will do is add further pages to your web site. an online web site with thousands of pages and heaps of content typically will okay within the search engines. you'll be able to get free content from article directories. you may additionally use public domain content, that could be a favorite tactic of John Reese. Or, you may use content within the artistic commons. this can be obtaining easier than ever currently that Yahoo and others have created a pursuit engine specifically for content within the artistic commons.

Succeeding with adsense is essentially determined by the quantity of traffic to your web site. However, there are several adsense tricks that you just will use to induce the foremost potential out of your web site. typically times, this implies doubling, tripling, or maybe quadrupling your earnings. The key's to seek out out what works for your internet web site. Testing and tracking is that the key to increased revenue!

By Alli Ross

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Learn Internet Business

Belajar bisnis internet kalau bisa gratis kenapa harus bayar?, atau kalau bisa bayar tapi cepat sukses siapa takut?. Satu tahun yang lalu mencari informasibisnis online susahnya bukan main, bahkan pakde harus mengeluarkan duit lebih dari 10 juta. Katanya itu sih masih kecil tapi bagi pakde besar, bisa untuk nyicil rumah selama 10 kali. Buku-buku internet marketing tidak sebanyak sekarang, kemarin istri saya bahkan menyodori segebok buku Internet marketing, belajar seo, belajar bisnis, dan belajar internet.

Mencari Informasi Bisnis Berbahasa Indonesia Mudah

Sekarang saya bisa mencari master yang jadi rujukan dengan mudah, lihat saja di blogroll, mungkin satu tahun lalu master-mastes itu juga seperti kita kali yah. Wah berarti ada peluang donk kita nanti satu tahun kedepan jadi master. Semoga deh amini saja.

Belajarnya Mudah, Prakteknya ?

Teori memang kadang mdah, apalagi kalau dibumbui dengan iklan. Wah kadang saya sering tergiur, namanya iklan apalagi bombastis seperti “dapat 10 Juta tiap hari gabung disini”, “Jalan Pintas Kaya Mendadak”, “Pendapatan $1000 dolar tiap hari”, walah banyak sekali, sampai pakde tani ngiler. Itu uang atau kertas yah. Kalau kita baca memang masuk akal juga.

Contohnya kita disuruh jual ebook seharga 100rb, dia bilang kalau sehari laku 20 saja kan udah dapat 2 Juta tiap hari. apalagi 100 copy kan bisa 10 Juta tiap hari. Bener juga yah, teori mudah praktek mumet.

Dapat duit mudah, tapi ?

Siapa bilang cari duit, cari uang di internet susah, menurut pakde mudah? masak sih? Iya. Contohnya? Nah anda gabung saja dengan salah satu program PPC (Pay per click), kemudian anda klik sendiri, kan anda langsung dapat duit, tapi tidak lama anda akan di suspend. Atau kalau anda mau jujur tidak curang maka anda juga akan dapat duit. Tapi yah itu paling sehari hanya 0.01 dollaratau Rp. 100 rupiah. Asli itu bukan salah ketik seratus rupiah titik.

Jadi juman Rp. 100 rupaih pakde? iya, jadi memang mudah dapat duit tapi yah itu kecil. Alias tidak nyucuk, tidak sumbut dengan waktu, biaya, tenaga dan pikiran yang anda curahkan.

Bisnis Intenternet Itu apa saja sih?
Internet itu kan hanya media, sarana agar apa yang ingin anda pasarkan, atau informasikan bisa lebih cepat menyebar, jangkauan yang lebih luas. Sedang bidang yang akan kita jual atau pasarkan atau kita informasikan banyak sekali dan hampir menyentung segala bidang.
1. Penjualan product apa saja secara online,
2. Menjual Informasi online, koran online, yellow pages, mesin pencari
3. Jasa konsultasi online, dan biro-biro online
4. Pelatihan online, sekolah online,
5. Perbankan online, transaksi online,
6. Trading, valas, forex,
7. Jasa Review, Jasa pemasangan Iklan, domain parking, PPC,
8. Membuat software, Web programming, hosting dan web desain,
9. Dan sak abrek bisnis online lainnya.

Pilih yang sesuai, ada pasar, dan harus fokus.

Apa Tahapan Sukses di Bisnis Internet?

Tiak ada jalan lain kecuali:
0. Persiapkan mental dan pikiran, dan yakinlah bahwa anda bisa, meski mulai dari pendaptan kecil.
1. Niat yang kuat untuk Bersungguh-sunguh, meskipun dimulai dengan belajar paruh waktu.
2. Rencanakan dengan baik sesuai dengan target yang akan dicapai.
3. Jalankan dengan tahapan-tahapan yang jelas, persiapan yang matang juga.
4. Praktekan dengan berguru pada para master yaang memang terbukti sukses dan menghasilkan uang yang cukup, sebab kalau hanya mendapat 1 juta perbulan sebagai tukang parkir juga bisa, tidak usah jadi Internet Marketing. Kecuali hanya ingin belajar ngeblog saja, tidak udah aneh-aneh hari ini bisa langsung online, gratis lagi.
5. Evaluasi dan selalu belajar, bila perlu berkonsultasi pada para master. Kalau memang harus beli ebook boleh juga asal tidak mahal-mahal. Sebab sekolah anak TK saja udah 100rb lebih tiap bulan.
6. Terus semangat, bangun komunitas, ikuti Kopdar, sering-sering sharing tidak harus kepada para master (sebab kadang master itu sibuk sekali). Sering berkunjung ke blog tetangga, siapa saja jangan terlalu pilih-pilih.
7. Jaga stamina, jangan mudah lemes, loyo, dan mudah menyerah, coba berinovasi.
8. Kesalahan, kegagalan dan halangan yang menghadang akan semakin banyak. Semakin mendekatai kesuksesan godaan makin banyak.
9. Capek, tidak ada ide, putus asa, gak mud itu biasa, bahkan kita akan dilecehkan dengan orang dekat kita.

10. Semoga suksek dan Semangat Selalu.

Kok masih umum sekali yah pakde?

Detailnya silahkan dicari di mesin pencari di, atau SE yang lain, sesuai bidang yang ingin anda terjuni.

Wah kalau gitu saya juga bisa pakde?

Memang anda pinter dan pasti bisa, tinggal ada kamauan atau tidak, dan setiap orang pasti punya kelebihan dan kekurangan. Itulah perlunya bersilaturahmi dan saling mengisi.

Terus pakde?


Click google adsense cheat

Secret cheat google adsense click, or PPC program google know why? The publishier beginners who usually do not wait fraudulent means or language bulenya click fraud. Learning from experience pakde farm because he wanted to immediately get a dollar, because why earnings 0 (zero) only. to-to-to.

From detection and filtering techniques: EACH click on an ad Google AdSense by the system, Google is the IP address of EACH record with one click, the date click, double click, then click on different samples. Google uses these factors and opportunities to filter invalid clicks.
Advanced monitoring techniques: Google uses its proprietary software to click fraud. They work hard to improv Their detection of click fraud technology.
The Google Team: In Addition, Google has a team with the tools and techniques to Examine cases of click fraud. At Google, the system detects invalid clicks Potentially, a member of this team examines the question.
Own or attempting click Telling People
Fraud is most easily found by google. by clicking on adsense ads malalui your own PC computer, or ask friends to click the adsense in many times. At the time to register and open a google adsense account will be recorded. of note is the IP address, browser you use, the operating system you use, What time you click.

Why Mutual Click Risky? do not click your own ads?

Ceitanya Look, you and other people have google adsense account. Google records your account and your friends account. At the time you click your friend's, then he will record in the database and on your PC (cookies). Well if you click multiple times from the same IP then this is click fraud. Do you have adsense account kok click repeatedly to the same account, although the IP sampean different from your friends.

So if you click just once?, Yes think about it does not matter, sorry loh only approximately (hehehe). But what you will not "addicted"?, Better spend your time to increase traffic.

Fool Google by Using Web Proxy

By using a web proxy, we continue to type in, and search our website and then we try to click the google adsense.

Once again with a web proxy to a single click might not know, but if more or even many times then google will immediately suspicious.Sophisticated machine will detect the IP, which is not fair treatment, and record the IP web proxy.

This is different from your own create a web proxy, and then installed the adsense code, it looks like this is legitimate, because it's the same as we make a blog / website.

Hiding IP

Same thing google will also know of browser you use, what OS you use, plus the most important thing is not normal behavior. From the experience of many years then he finally found the system to detect click fraud or invalid.

Click fair (Natural) and click unnatural (engineering)

There are some google pendakatan used in analyzing the click is natural and unnatural, that is whether there are clicks in the same time in large numbers. Then there is a reasonable comparison between the impressions and CTR (Click-through rate), for example click the fair can be seen in table adsense report as follows:

Just click the image berhatikan fair, where the CTR is not more than 10%. CTR = Number of clicks / 100 impressions. Secure if there are less than 10 percent. Some say the most secure under 5 percent.

Click on the most extreme unnatural above 20 percent, if this happens click the google will monitor, if there are indications of click fraud then it is likely the account will be disabled, or are still monitored several days, to observe the lack wajaran, both of the Impressions, CTR and its from any IP it originated and what time, from here will be visible if the click was natural or not. (Wah kok ribet yah)

Continue What pakde donk?

Do not ever and never to click yourself, get someone else to click your ads, the end of your account blockir. Your identity will also be recorded, so sampean will the blacklist. Hiks, hik ... ..

Pakde Sosulinya what?

Read his TOS deh, perhaps there is a change, like this week pakde see a change is encouraging that the permissibility multiple PPC accounts on one Web site on his blog kang look too big.Thus we can titip adsense code into your website / blog high traffic.

Learn SEO, Learning to increase traffic, PageRank learn continuously. Do not be too tense and not too bernapsu to get rich quick (if you can fine too). Enjoy the process.

By building community and giving and sharing on this blog and blogs that other friends, let us find a way-better event and be accepted by the provider. Departure from the black hat, gray, white hat eventually.

Why cheat interesting?

Apart from PPC programs, that is fraudulent use of pirated software, cheating exams, copy and paste, even cheating in elections.

No human is perfect, and no man who never cheated (in quotation marks), the rich still cheating (just look at the officials, and leaders), especially pakde (kekekeke). We can only mengurasi gradually, an important first no intention to reduce fraud just enough. Gratitude if finally stop completely (aka repentance).

Is not google also cheating?

I can not comment mas, maybe that's the secret of the company, why are we not told how the value of bits advertisers. We are also not told us exactly what percentage commission.

We also know why the blog with a particular language can not appear on his ads, maybe that is the answer adsalah "let us ask the grass that rocked"

If anyone is offended I apologize there was no intention to hurt your feelings, if one is not like google also does not matter, much else, and now there are also local PPC,
If not satisfied and want to add pakde very grateful.

If you do not do anything and just opened this blog for all, no one could I give but said sorry and thanks for visiting.

6 Easy Tricks To Increase Number of Clicks On Adsense

It is hope for each blogger to induce additional clicks to adsense in their web site. however don't be stunned if that hope is simply a mere hope, for our ignorance of our websites pegaturan. Already there are several bloggers who manage their web site for instance by replacing the components contained in their web site. What do they are doing it's one trick, the trick to induce additional clicks on their adsense.

I have a number of tricks that I learned the tricks of regarding how therefore we have a tendency to get additional individuals to click on adsense contained on the web site therefore we are going to be additional adsense income rises:

1. additional like Google and guests to the web site that's made in content

This trick kerupakan basic tricks that you just should do so as to achieve profit through adsense. Setriap search engines are very happy with the web site is often updated and encompasses a ton of content in their sites. in order that search engines simply akn mengindek your web site and you may get additional guests. When our web site amemiliki higher quality, the upper CTR are displayed within the pages of our web site. this is often caused by the laying of google adsense with a read primarily based on content on an internet site

2. try and keep the guests feel at home in your web site

Make the articles consistent with topics that match your web site. When your web site has an editorial that's informative then the guests can invariably return to your web site.

3.Letakkan your Adsense within the most applicable location

Try you learn on what a part of that is that the best place to place your adsense. By putting the nice it'll raise the worth of your adsense clicks. for instance placed on the aeal on a content and on the unit link below the navigation menu

4. find out about the suitability of an advertising and adsense tricks incognito

Match adsense during this case means the adsense color match the background color. therefore after you place the adsense in your web site try and adsense is seen as a link.

Impersonation means pengnjung regular adense your web site understand where you place adsense ads, therefore it's seemingly they're going to not click your ad. however you mungngkin bsa using google adsense color rotation.

5. Avoid using "Sponsored Links" label (try to translate myself, kekekeke)

When google already placed "Ads by goooogle" label in each of Their AdSense ads, then why you ought to place another label for Sponsored links. Google said in its TOS Sponsored links That use to label ads, They failed to say something if you are doing not label your ads. (I'm translating mas ora iso)

6. you want to making an attempt to induce new guests

Try to get a linkback from yanhg web site encompasses a page rank that prime, therefore Wesite you'll be additional noticed by the search engine and you may get new guests. primarily based on the expertise of 100% of latest guests can click on the ads than regular guests.

I yakim you'll be able to do the ideas on top of and bear in mind the longer we have a tendency to devote to our web site can eat the additional revenue we have a tendency to achieve. therefore you ought to still update your web site each day to supply one thing new for guests to your web site